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I found Dr. Bradely Nelson, creator of The Emotion Code & The Body Code on a podcast.  He was discussing how the Emotion Code & Body Code is helping people release emotional baggage, and relieving physical and emotional pain. 

I thought ‘Why not give it a go’.  I had recurring (excruciating) knee pain for years so I thought if it helps even a little, that would be amazing!*


*Caveat: I was open-minded about what I was discovering, while admittedly simultaneously thinking

‘how can this even be possible?’. 

I don’t believe I would have achieved the results I did (or any benefits at all) if I was thinking ‘This is BS!’.


I learned the Emotion Code, practicing over many months on myself and others and I can say it works.


The relief from the physical pain I was experiencing propelled me to delve deeper into the Emotion Code and get certified.  I received so many benefits for myself and others, I decided to continue with this journey and complete

The Body Code certification.


There is so much talk about letting go of experiences and memories that don’t serve us.  One of the many benefits I have found with The Body Code is there is not so much of a ‘letting go’ as a ‘dissolving’, becoming free of the autopilot beliefs we operate from.


More and more people are taking responsibility for their lives and searching for ways to ease physical and/or emotional pain.  Often we have lived with pain and discomfort for so long, that it can feel like part of us, and in a way it is, until we can see it from a different perspective.


I look at it like this.  Physical pain and discomfort are real.  Emotional pain, anxiety, and feeling stuck are real. 

Releasing imbalances and emotional baggage can help.

I wish I had known about this years ago, but I didn’t.   So the options that were available to me were:

1. Do nothing [tried that many times!], or

2. Learn another way to treat and look at pain and discomfort.

I chose to learn another way.


Of course, this is just my perspective, my experience, and my journey.  

You’ve got your perspective, your experience, your journey!




My name is Hilary Roche.

I work with people to release emotional baggage

and get unstuck.

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